About me

Hi. My name is Michelle and I was an alcoholic. I use rational recovery and AVRT to heal from the damage drinking and drugs wrapped me in for most of my life. I don’t work a 12-step program, but this introduction felt appropriate and I’m learning to trust my gut. To trust my instincts and my body to find the wisdom I spent years searching for outside of myself. Recently I’ve realized that for all my life I’ve called myself an extrovert, I’ve really just been an alcoholic.

I am a warrior for the wounded, a middle-aged mom, mental health advocate and a teacher of all high school things (even the math). My life changed on November 15, 2020 when I chose sobriety and put myself first. I tried AA for months, but something was off, it wasn’t the right fit. Then I stumbled onto rational recovery and AVRT…

I finally reclaimed power over my own life.

I rarely get it right on the first try but am learning to keep going. Learning to do more than smile and survive. Learning to create even if it’s just for me. I am a woman in recovery here to share my story.

I write because I have to. Creativity has always been in my blood, but for years my BAC kept it passed out in the corner. Now not only do I write for me, but I’m hoping to help you experience the freedom of sobriety by talking to you about how I got here.

She stopped feeling like she was nothing more than a consumer, nothing more than the sum of her daily obligations and duties. She was making something of herself, making something with herself.

Elizabeth Gilbert “Big Magic”

You may not relate to where I came from, my inability to set boundaries, or the destructive measures I took to prevent seeing my own mistakes, but here’s to looking a little deeper. Here’s to having an honest conversation about what it means to be sober and brave. Sobbrave.