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Before rational recovery and AVRT, I spent 20 years avoiding myself. Drinking and drugging, I silently smiled while I did all I could to escape a life some would say seemed quite lovely. Until I ruined that too. Rock bottom replaced by a lower level of shame; I was nearly out of hope for a future. I believed the world was fooled, thought my secret was safe from those who wanted me to stop.

More than anything, I was afraid. Fear motivated me, I assumed that’s how it had to be. I was wrong and I’ve never been so proud to admit it.

Someone dear to me recently said it always take bravery to do something different and for me, authenticity is a novel approach to life. I’ve decided to invite creativity in, share vulnerably instead of smile, and write about the experience of becoming who I am.

Sober and brave. Sobbrave.

Thinking about quitting? Decided you (or a loved one) have a problem but not sure what to do next? Want to know more about alternatives to AA like rational recovery and AVRT? Nonjudgmental help finding a path that works for you (or simply stay for the stories!)

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